Our home went on the market this week. And I’ve spent the week fielding messages from friends and followers on the social platforms I shared the listing to. It’s been intense (and exciting!). But I guess that’s what happens when you’ve chosen to share your home and garden with the internet for the last five plus years.
I’ve been consciously manifesting and sending out energy into the universe for the perfect buyers to find our home, people who will love what we have created and want to make it their own. Things have moved fast this month. After all it was only at the start of the year that we made the decision once and for all to pull the trigger on this full time travelling, van life idea. In reality it’s been in our minds for a long time and it was all ready to set in motion once the decision was made, but to the outside world it’s an almighty shock. It’s hard to articulate this next adventure when I’m asked what we’re doing & why we’re selling. I love this place and this life. If I could live out two lifestyles simultaneously I 100% would! But this itch to travel has won out and the way we know we can make that happen is unfortunately by not owning property at the same time. Matt, somewhat jokingly, said the other night it's our fault for not doing the OE thing in our early twenties - while we were getting married and building a life together, many of our friends were out travelling the world during gap years! We seem to be doing it in reverse and now our 'gap year' has no planned end date. For the first time in my life I don't really have a 5 or 10 year life plan. We're not frittering away our life's savings, don't worry Mum! But we have no idea where or how we will land when our travel is done. We don't have a timeframe in mind. We can't even tell you where the first destination is. I have spreadsheets (of course) and plenty of ideas for the adventures ahead, but beyond that the plan is loose! And you know I love having a solid plan - so this is all very new for me to not be trying to map it all out! It's kinda freeing. Scary. But also I have mapped my life out in explicit detail many times before and then the dang plans change and it turns out even better, so why bother spending energy on it ya know?! Full time travelling is going to be downsizing all over again. My love for simple living is still strong. I have grand plans of what life on the road will look like 😜 - farmer's markets & road stands galore. You can bet I'm taking my sourdough starter with me. And just wait until I have to fit my entire wardrobe into 2 small cupboards in a van (I will be sure to share that journey with you!!!). I like to think of it as we’re just putting experiences ahead of possessions for this next chapter of our lives. But of course there is still a part of me that is heartbroken about leaving behind Devon Cottage... Now some might be wondering about Matt. Obviously he is on the same page otherwise we would not be doing this! I think Matt has been ready for this long before I have been. He is not the homebody I am. But I also don't know that he'd ever pull the trigger on doing something like this if it wasn't for the fact we're a strong team. We are very in tune and thankfully want the same things in life. I love asking him deep, thought-provoking questions (usually during road trips!) and last year we rattled off all our bucket list items on one such road trip - all the things we want to do or experience in our lifetime - it was not really a surprise that our combined list was filled with travel adventures. So while this blog is all from my perspective, rest assured that I'm not dragging my husband away from his shed & tools (he has a plan for all that!). 😅 Anyway those are my thoughts this week as we wrap up a BIG month to start off 2025! Thanks for enjoying my Ted Talk, not sure it was very well structured nor had much of a point to be made, but if you're still reading - thank you for being here on this journey with us.x |
February 2025
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